Monday, February 9, 2009

Well everyone else is doing it

How interested is anyone going to be in what is going on in my crazy little hemisphere? This whole blogging thing is somewhat bizarre to me. I can also see why I would do it. Just to get some thoughts out. As a stay at home Mom of three I don't get a whole lot of me time. My typical day consists of the following, in no certain order. Trying to make a homemade meal that is healthy, delicious and everyone in the house will eat. Not an easy feat I might add. Making sure my toddlers do not figure out how to climb over the baby gate, or get stuck in, poke by or fall of off various things. Making myself get off my butt so I don't make it any wider than it already is. Finish project of the week, whether it consists of a new knitted dishtowel, a homemade apron or rearranging the furniture again. Get my kids to do their homeschooling work, while arguing that homeschooling does not actually mean you don't have to go to school. To say my life is busy would be saying little. It is rewarding, but also a very solitary life. You don't get thanked for busting it all day long, no phone calls from people that have way more time on their hands, your lucky if you get to read that wonderful trashy novel you got at the library. So, we will see if I can fit in time to just ramble on here. Welcome to my world.

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